The Drawers - Headbones Gallery                   Contemporary Drawing, Sculpture, Video and Works on Paper

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Headbones Gallery

  December 8-January 20

Project Space
Artist Portraits by Heidi Thompson 
 Drawers Gallery
Byron Johnston 
Upcoming Exhibition
Robert Dmytruk
February 9 - March 13, 2012



There are a number of reasons why the Okanagan works for artists. The Okanagan lifestyle provides the opportunity to work without distractions, the physical environment is spectacular, even inspirational, and there is enough of a community of artists here to dull the edge of isolation, making the area more of a respite than a retreat. Okanicon Iconagan is an exhibition which attempts to gather together, under the bright blue roof of Headbones Gallery one iconic piece from each artist and it has resulted in the makings of a spectacular exhibition.


Doug Alcock, David Alexander, Amar from Afar, Katie Brennan, Glenn Clark, Carin Covin, Robert Dmytruk, Jen Dyck, Leonard Epp, Diane Feught, John Hall, Joice M. Hall, Jock Hildebrand, Angelika Jaeger, Byron Johnston, Jim Kalnin, Ann Kipling, Geert Maas, Steve Mennie, David Montpetit, Julie Oakes, Katherine Pickering, Kevin Spetifore, Carl St Jean, Heidi Thompson and Deborah Wilson

th Daniel Stark on sarode, Bill Boyd on cello and Gaz on guitar.