Julie Oakes
Using The Moon To Fuel The Stars
Nov 2 - Jan 7, 2018
Headbones Gallery
Up Next
Wanda Lock
A Studio Of One's Own
January 11 - March 5, 2018
Headbones Gallery
Island Mountain Arts
Arts Wells
Residency Application
Julie Oakes
- Using The Moon to Fuel The Stars
Opening Reception
5-7pm –
November 2 –January
201 8
Welcome !
Using the Moon to Fuel the Stars
opening at Headbones Gallery on November 02 will show
works by Julie Oakes created in
Europe, Russia
and New York.
The Lunar Cycle
is 28 gouache paper works framed in pairs that look at
the lunar cycle as understood from an Eastern
perspective. The
Lunar Cycle was completed during a two-month
residency in China in 2014. The Lunar Cycle
tells the story of a woman who was banished to the
moon where she found a rabbit that she took under her
care. The rabbit was being literally ‘dogged’, bitten by
a dog that badgered the rabbit. The woman would nurse
the rabbit back to wholeness, but the cycle would begin
again as the dogs attracted by the full shining and
healthy rabbit nipped. Hence, the moon waxed and waned
under the surveillant female’s care. The lunar cycle is
regarded as feminine, her power hypnotic and
Using the Moon to Fuel the Stars
is a show about cycling, changing lanes and moving into
the next roadway. Preparing for an exhibition of new
works for the Tom Thomson Museum in Ontario in 2019,
Titled SHE SHE – a double affirmative of the feminine,
that will bring out women’s issues, women’s work and a
superstar role of woman as home maker and keeper.
Using the Moon to Fuel the Stars is an exhibition
about reaching for the stars because the moon is just
that much closer to them …
Headbones Gallery invites you to join Julie Oakes for
the opening of Using the Moon to Fuel the Stars
on November 02 from 5 – 7 PM, while it’s still light,
before the moon rises and the dogs howl.