Don Carr
Electric Prints
April 13 - May 27, 2017
Headbones Gallery
Exhibition Catalogue
Up Next
Rose Sanderson
and Christian Bernard Singer
Pins & Needles
Feather & Fur
June 1 - July 15, 2017
Headbones Gallery
Island Mountain Arts
Arts Wells
Residency Application
Don Carr
- Electric Prints
Opening Reception 6-8pm –Thursday, April 13 –May 27,
is welcome - Artist In Attendance
discovery of the printing press marks the age of the
industrial revolution. It was the melding of a more
sophisticated understanding of the workings of the
physical world and the desire to communicate beyond a
one-on-one and extend into the concept of mass
production. Stained glass windows in churches served a
similar purpose and they have inspired Don Carr’s
imagery has been a blend between science fiction and
social/political commentary. Within fantastic settings,
narratives are played out and a story is told of the
human condition that is reminiscent of images created
following Perestroika in Russia.
Carr lives and works in Toronto and Italy. He is
ambitious in his vision and has produced many layered
works. Like a scientist, he has not rested in his
discoveries but continued along the road between science
and the arts creating complex lithographic prints and
then moving into digital photomontages.
Carr further actualized his imagined worlds by moving
into the third or perhaps it could be called the fourth
dimension. Once again, it was a step that furthered the
imagery through science. He created a hologram, Wired
Dionysius, which Headbones Gallery will present.
Referencing classical thought in the same arena as
advanced technology, Carr confronts us with an image
from the future. The hologram was a collaboration
between theatre designer, Catherine Hahn and Michael
Page and the technicians of Photon, a hologram facility
in Toronto.