Jerezano made them up. He brought forth memories from his image bank and
gave them physical presence. He gave form to hybridized creatures, bred from
another culture and birthed through a channel that extended from his Mexican
roots to present itself as an adoptable creation. Then he made them do
things. He allowed them to develop right before our eyes, to transform from
one fantastic being into another. Like a masterful shaman who guides the
uninitiated through a transformation rite, Jerezano hints at how they came
to be but like smoke before magical mirrors, the line, modeling and tints
obliterate the exact manner of change. The perception is fogged so that what
has transpired is not a surety. Jerezano remains the grand magician who
holds the secret knowledge. The way these new creatures appear remains a
mystery known only to the initiated.
Alakazam! A mediumistic evolution took place. Ritual magic, with the
attendant masks, is coupled to the wonder of making marks on paper. With
second sight, Jerezano communicated from the subterranean depths of the
psyche. We had been invited to view the rites of passage but we are left
with a feeling of suspense as if their may be yet another change.
There is a purity to the private tales of wonder that are played out upon
the paper, as if a child had become so involved in his fantasy that it grew
beyond his proportions and spoke back to him. This is a visual language a
few steps removed from hieroglyphics and although the reading allows us
entry into a narrative, the meaning is not clear. Jerazano offers us more
information than can be ordered as he awes with the mutations of his
Copyright © 2006, Headbones Gallery, The Drawers